Sunday, 1 February 2015

#QuoteOfTheDay: What Did You Do With Your January?

Happy New Month Everyone. 2015 is minus one month already today though, hope you are making the best of yours.

A new month truly calls for celebration, for the gift of life even if not for anything else. But then again, living is a responsibility on its own, so should we really celebrate if thirty days go by and we can't make reasonable accounts of what was achieved or what foundations were laid for potential achievements or even just efforts made towards justifying having a life?

So let me ask... What did you do with your January?

I'm no judge, the question is for everybody, just as much as it is for me too. And of course, this isn't to knock you or me down, it is just a reality check, to remind us that if we have wasted January (I hope we didn't), there are still eleven months left on the calendar to redeem ourselves. 

Do remember however brothers and sisters, that time is nobody's slave and just as thirty (and one) days passed in a whiff, these eleven months too are just a couple of winks away. Therefore brother/sister, buckle up and get something doing, time and tide waits for no man!

Happy New Month once again!

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